We have had quite the week! Andrew lost his first tooth on Thursday night! It had been loose for about 3 weeks and he was determined that if he ate an apple, it would help him to knock it out! I kept making the prediction that it would fall out on Halloween so he would look like a Jack-o-lantern. The funny thing is that his cousin, Avery, who is the same age as him, lost her first tooth on Halloween in the exact same place as his! Talk about ironic!
He ended up loosing it Thursday after school while he was eating a cookie! My mom was there when it happened and she said that he had a bit of a panicked look on his face because of the blood.
You may ask, "what does the tooth fairy bring these days?" Well, the tooth fairy brought him a $5.00 bill. When I was his age, I think I got 50 cents so considering the time difference and the way the economy is going right now, I guess he made out pretty well. He plans on buying something with it this weekend!
The other thing we were super excited for was the election of our 44th President: Barack Obama! Since he had made it official that he was running for president, Andrew has shown a curiosity of him. Everytime we would see an ad on TV (by the way, I'm glad they are over), he would say, "Bawak Obama"...his words exactly since he has trouble with his "r's" sometimes.
We took this picture right when Pennsylvania was announced as winning the Dems electoral votes!!! He even has a pin that he is donning in both pics!
I am just so happy that we were able to be a part of history in the making! I kept the newspaper for Andrew from Wednesday morning that showed Obama as our president-elect so that maybe one day he can show his children and say, "I remember that" or "I have a picture of myself from when that happened!" We look forward to having some positive change in the days to come!
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