Monday, May 11, 2009

Andrew's Field Trip

Today Andrew's class went on a field trip to a local dairy farm, ate lunch and played at a local park, and ended up at the local Giant grocery store. I was lucky enough to chaperone the trip!!! We had a great time! We saw a calf that was only a week old and tried some milk that came straight from the cow. I think the kids got more of a kick out of the bus ride than the places we visited.

This afternoon Andrew has swimming lessons too! He started taking lessons a few weeks ago and really seems to enjoy it. He's really progressing and seems to be getting the hang of it.

Friday, January 16, 2009

My New Camera

I got a new fast action camera for Xmas and I took lots of really nice pics. Here are some of those pics!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Goals for 2009

I know that everyone makes new years resolutions but this year I decided instead of doing one BIG resolution, I would like to do a few mini-ones!

1. lose 20 pounds by May
2. win big in Las Vegas
3. learn to say "no" when I'm overwhelmed
4. learn to crochet
5. find a new job
6. love myself more
7. transition ALL of my lightbulbs into energy efficient ones
8. concentrate on making my home more energy efficient (unplug outlets, turn off lights...)
9. eat more healthy
10. make more time for my family and friends


Well, Emmit had his surgery last week! He is recovering with flying colors. He had a slight tear of his ACL. Last October, he tore his left ACL completely. Andrew was excited that Emmit came home with a cast so that he can write his name on it!
Emmit will have his cast taken off next week and then he will be more comfortable. It is difficult for him to get up and down steps, go outside to the bathroom, and just getting up for food/drink! We're all ready for it to come off!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Emmit and Me

If any of you have read the book "Marley and Me" then you all know how heartwrenching the book is but there are also some hysterical moments in it as well. My dog, Emmit, is a black lab who is a clone of Marley! Everyone in my family who has read the book has commented on how Emmit and Marley are the exact same dog! Everything about him is the same...from eating poopy diapers to knocking down a Xmas tree. He even has health problems like Marley!

We just found out on Xmas eve that Emmit tore his ACL...once again! Last year in October, he tore his ACL on his left hind it's his right hind leg. He had to wear a cast and had trouble getting up and down our back porch steps to go to the bathroom. He loves to sleep where ever we are so when we would go upstairs to bed, he would start to cry because we were away from him. So I would camp out on the couch so he could lay on the floor right next to me. He's such a momma's boy!

So, anyway, please say a little prayer for my canine son, Emmit, as he has to have surgery on January 6. I know he'll be fine but I am a mother and worry!

I have a cute side note that Andrew had asked me over the summer. I told Andrew that Emmit was my first baby. He didn't seem to understand and he asked me, "Was Emmit in your belly too?" I had to explain that he had a mommy and a daddy that were dogs...explaining that was more difficult than I thought! Anyway, I thought it was cute!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

"Oh, What a Night..."

So, we got together with some friends over the weekend for an adult only weekend of FUN! We headed to Atlantic City, had dinner at Buddakhan, and drank ourselves into a coma at a martini bar inside Balleys! Due to my recent paycheck downsizing, courtesy of the powers-to-be, I didn't spend much money on gambling. I wan't a bore either but just limited myself to a few dollars to at least give myself the chance to win BIG and quit work! Unfortunately, neither happened! We did, on the other hand, had an interesting night at the bar! We drank, danced, drank, sang, and drank... We even made a new friend named Robert! He was literally comparible to the Energizer Bunny! He danced nonstop from the time we got there around 9:30pm until we left which was around 3:30am. Last time I checked, he was still there offering pole dances on the step railings. I had the chance to talk to him and claimed that he was a professional dancer that has worked in over 40 states in the US. No matter what his resume, he was full of energy and very entertaining. Also, he was sober the entire time...just drank water!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Santa...I Can Explain...

So, my annual Christmas fundraiser, Letters From Santa, is over! I sent out the final touches tonight and hopefully everyone will be happy with their letters from the big guy! I had a good response, not as great as in past years but since all of the money raised goes towards Lebanon County's Relay for Life/American Cancer Society, EVERY dollar counts!!! I sell the letters for $2.50 each and each person gets a personalized letter with specifics about themselves in it. It is addressed to them and they get it in time for Xmas. Andrew LOVES it!!! In past years, I've sold an average of $200 worth...this year I brought in $120. It's less, but like I said, it's every dollar that counts! I keep thinking that it's penny pinching or that people just forget! Next year, I'll have to see about maybe coming up with a website or something. We always have it posted on our Relay website: so in the future, you can always check it on there!

This year I didn't have as many interesting letters as in past year. Usually I get some letters to go an elderly person in a nursing home wishing for a boyfriend and some knitting needles but this year I got a 35 year old wanting a beautiful wife and a license to sell beef?????

Anyway, just want to thank everyone who supported my fundraiser and look forward to doing it in the spring with letters from the Easter Bunny!!! It's all of you who support Relay for Life that allow us to put a stop to this terrible disease!!!